Drifters by Brett Goldstein

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Drifters by Brett Goldstein is a personal reflection on the author’s journey towards self-discovery and finding his true identity. In this article, Goldstein explores the concept of “drifting” and how it can lead to feelings of confusion and discontentment. Through his personal anecdotes and observations, he encourages readers to embrace their individuality and pursue their passions, even if it means taking risks and stepping outside of societal norms. Goldstein’s journey serves as an inspiration for anyone feeling lost or adrift, and his message of embracing one’s true self is a powerful reminder that true happiness comes from within.

“Drifters” by Brett Goldstein: An Exploration of Identity and Self-Discovery

In this article, we explores the concept of “drifting” and how it can lead to feelings of confusion and discontentment. Through his personal anecdotes and observations, he encourages readers to embrace their individuality and pursue their passions, even if it means taking risks and stepping outside of societal norms. The article is organized into the following headings:

The Feeling of Drifting :

Goldstein begins the article by describing his early adulthood in London as a successful lawyer, but feeling disconnected from his true self. He felt like he was simply going through the motions of life without any real sense of direction or purpose. This feeling of being adrift led him to make a drastic decision: he quit his job and moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in comedy.

The Search for Identity:

Goldstein’s decision to leave his stable job and pursue a risky career path was driven by his desire to find his true identity and purpose in life. He writes, “I knew I wasn’t happy, but I didn’t know what would make me happy. I had to figure that out.” This journey of self-discovery led him to take risks and try new things, which ultimately led him to his passion for comedy and acting.

Conformity and Societal Pressure :

The article also touches on the idea of societal pressure to conform to a certain path in life. Goldstein reflects on the pressure he felt to follow the traditional career path of his peers, and how this pressure can lead to a sense of “drifting” or feeling lost. He writes, “We’re taught that success looks like one thing: get a good job, make money, buy a house. But success is a personal thing. It looks different for everyone.”

Embracing Individuality:

Throughout the article, Goldstein emphasizes the importance of embracing one’s individuality and pursuing one’s passions, even if it means taking risks and stepping outside of societal norms. He writes, “Being yourself is the only way to be truly happy. And sometimes, being yourself means taking risks and doing things that might seem crazy to others.”

The Role of Failure:

The article also highlights the role of failure in the journey towards self-discovery. Goldstein describes his own experiences of failure and rejection in his pursuit of comedy, and how these setbacks ultimately helped him to learn and grow. He writes, “Failure is inevitable, but it’s also necessary. It teaches you what you’re capable of and helps you grow as a person.”

Evolving Identity:

One of the key themes of the article is the idea of identity and how it can evolve over time. Goldstein reflects on how his own identity has changed as he has pursued his passions and taken risks. He writes, “I used to think my identity was tied to my job and my possessions. But now I realize that my identity is who I am at my core. And that’s something that can’t be taken away.”


Goldstein’s journey towards self-discovery. His embrace of his true identity is a powerful message for anyone feeling lost or adrift. Through his personal anecdotes and reflections. He encourages readers to embrace their individuality and pursue their passions. Even if it means stepping outside of societal norms or taking risks. Drifters by Brett Goldstein is a personal reflection on the author’s journey towards self-discovery and finding his true identity. message of embracing one’s true self is a powerful reminder that true happiness comes from within.

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