Erica Lyrics By Herms Niel

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Erica Lyrics – Herms Niel Meaning & Facts By (Singles). You Can Watch This Video On YouTube While The Lyrics Are Written By Herms Niel. The Music Track Was Released Date :1930.

[Verse 1]
On the heath, there blooms a little floret
And it’s called Erika
Eagerly, hundred thousand little beelets
Swarm around Erika
For her heart is full of sweetness
A tender scent escapes her blossom-gown
On the heath, there blooms a little floret
And it’s called Erika

[Explanation of Verse 1]
The song begins with a picturesque scene on the heath, where a small flower called Erika blooms. The imagery suggests a serene and natural setting, where sundries swarm around the flower, attracted by its agreeableness. The flower is broke with traits of warm heartedness and beauty.

[Verse 2]
Back at home, there lives a young maiden
And she’s called Erika
That girl is my faithful little darling
And my joy, Erika
When the heather blooms in a reddish purple
I sing her this song in greeting
On thе heath, there blooms a littlе floret
And it’s called Erika

[Explanation of Verse 2]
The focus shifts to a young maiden named Erika, who resides at home. The narrator describes her affectionately as his true favorite and source of joy.The citation of the heather blooming in sanguine- grandiloquent suggests a seasonal change, maybe emblematizing the passage of time. The narrator sings a song in chatting to Erika, buttressing the connection between the flower and the demoiselle.

[Verse 3]
In my room, there also blooms a little floret
And she’s called Erika
Already in the grey of dawn, as it does at dusk
It looks at me, Erika
And then it’s to me as if it’s saying aloud
“Are you thinking of your little bride?”
Back at home, a young maiden weeps for you
And she’s called Erika

[Explanation of Verse 3]
In this verse, the narrator reveals that there is also a flower named Erika in his room. The flower is described as looking at him in both the dawn and dusk, which could symbolize the passing of day and night or the consistency of Erika’s presence in his thoughts. The flower seems to remind him of his fiancée back home, who weeps for him in his want.